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According to Professor Nicholas Graham of Lancaster University, such a measure would also make the set of species more diverse and more resistant to the negative effects of climate change. Graham and his colleagues came to these conclusions on the basis of long-term monitoring of the situation in the Chagos Archipelago, located near the equator in the Indian Ocean. It includes six dozen islands as well as volcanic atolls.

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In the course of the experiment, the insects had to solve tasks similar to those offered to monkeys as well. For example, they were shown several cups, one of which contained a treat, and since one of the cups was always empty, a logical conclusion about the location of the reward could be drawn from this.

In the case of bumblebees, they were shown a pair of sucrose strips, then both without sucrose. The furry beauties signalled their choice by touching one or the other strip with their trunk or paw.

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As the politician said, it is necessary to remove food residues and all sorts of aromas that can attract animals. In addition, the parliamentarian advised not to feed the animals, otherwise next time they will bring the whole pack.

It is necessary to check fences for holes, put traps and sound repellents. He also said that when traces of wild animals are found on the site, one should not interact with them.

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In their research paper, the researchers noted that every year thousands of parrots belonging to various species can be found on the streets of Polish towns and villages. They emphasised that for the most part they are represented by birds that have escaped from their owners.

These data were obtained by scientists on the basis of analysing groups in social networks, where lost animals are reported. According to their calculations, the number of escaped birds in the period from the end of 2018 to the end of 2019 and for several months of 2021 is estimated at almost 2.7 thousand parrots, among which there are representatives of 49 species. The vast majority is accounted for by corellas of the species Nymphicus hollandicus, of which there were just under a thousand, as well as waved parrots of the species Melopsittacus undulatus, the number of which was estimated at around 900 individuals.

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Nowadays, science has managed to solve the mystery of the extinction of such an amazing creature as the woolly rhinoceros. This animal lived in the northern regions of Eurasia, had thick wool, a powerful body and two horns on its head. It disappeared about 10 millennia ago.

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